DCH Facebook Group Rules
At Diabetic Cat Help, our primary focus is to help those with diabetic cats use the Tight Regulation Protocol (TR) to achieve better blood glucose control and even remission. We are not a general feline diabetes support group. In addition to the forum, we also have a Facebook group dedicated to TR. The Facebook group is meant to be a gateway to the forum. No advice or dosing information is given on the FB group. To get that information, those who are interested must join the forum.
In order to join the FB group, we require that potential members read and acknowledge a set of rules that can be found here. New members are only added after acknowledging these rules. Failure to follow the rules result in removal from the group and a possible ban from future participation in the FB group and the Forum.
While this might seem harsh, it is important to follow TR closely to prevent possible harm to our cats. Bad advice could put cats in danger. Please note that these rules will be strictly enforced. One warning will be given upon a rules violation, and a subsequent violation will result in the banning.
There are many general diabetic cat help groups out on the internet. Before joining this group, potential users should decide if they are interested in learning about and following TR. If there is no interest, then this is not the correct group to join.